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The Winner of Our Very Bunky Drawing Contest Announced! Congratulations, Skanda!! 06.02.22

Zdjęcie autora: Aleksandra TrynieckaAleksandra Tryniecka

'Bunky Drawn in my Style' by Skanda, age: 13 -

The Winning Entry in the Very Bunky Drawing Contest 2022!

Dear Readers!

Bunky and I have a very special announcement: the Winner of our Very Bunky Drawing Competition is finally revealed! Congratulations, Dear Skanda!!! Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and I are captivated by your enchanting work!! We are honoured and exceedingly happy to discover such a young and talented artist! Our Winner, Skanda, is a thirteen-year-old artist who shared with us an amazing work entitled "Bunky Drawn in my Style". We are honoured to introduce Skanda's fabulous work to All of you and share with Skanda our Very Bunky wall Calendar!!🏆🎉❤ Dear Skanda, we wish you many artistic successes in the future, as you are an amazing, budding artist!

With all the bunkyful wishes, happy and enchanted by Skanda's work,

Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and Aleksandra

About our Winner - in our Winner's own words:

"My name is Skanda and I currently live in Chennai, India and I am studying in 8th grade.

One interesting fact about me is that I draw and sketch a lot!

It does not matter where I am and what I just need is to have a pencil, paper handy and time to spare from school and other daily chores.

At this point in time, creating art has become a natural instinct for me and an important medium to share and express my feelings and thoughts.

I would like to nurture this creative side of mine even moving forward and I enjoy doing it always. :)"

Dear Skanda, we have no doubt that, in the future, we will see many of your beautiful works and wish you a wonderful artistic career from our heart!

We are so proud of you!

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