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Once Upon a Bunky...Bunky's Three Months in the Literary World!

Zdjęcie autora: Aleksandra TrynieckaAleksandra Tryniecka

Dear Readers! We would like to invite you to watch the video and then, we invite you to continue reading below! :-)

We are celebrating the three amazing months of my novel, "Bunky and the Walms", in the literary world! In the meantime, so many great things happened: we discovered that we have so many amazing Readers and, also, "Bunky and the Walms" received the BREW Readers' Choice Award on the 1st of January 2022! Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and I are so grateful for your constant encouragement and support! Bringing you joy allows us to thrive! We will keep creating these walmful and bunkyful literary worlds for you! Today, we would like to invite you to watch this short video in which we recount the special literary moments from the last three months! Dear Readers, let's continue this beautiful adventure together!

With best wishes,

Aleksandra (the author), Bunky and the Bunky Princess (our beloved protagonists)

Please find my novel here:

Please find the Bunky Mascots here:


The Bunky Princess:

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