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Congratulations to Our Winners of the Very Bunkyful Art Contest!!

Zdjęcie autora: Aleksandra TrynieckaAleksandra Tryniecka

Zaktualizowano: 4 wrz 2022

Dear All,

The Very Important Bunkyful Day has arrived - on the 31st of August 2022 Bunky and the Bunky Princess celebrated their first birthday! I made Bunky and the Bunky Princess on the 31st of August 2021 and, afterwards, we all eagerly anticipated the publication of my novel "Bunky and the Walms"! I remember basking in September sun, knitting Bunky's winter sweater with the squirrel and sewing the Bunky Princess' dress. These memories are very dear to me.

Dear Readers, Dear Friends, thank you so much for celebrating this special time of the year with us! Without you, this literary journey would be incomplete! I am very grateful for your presence and for my literary children - Bunky and the Bunky Princess! Thank you for showering them with love and kindness!

Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' birthday is the event of the Bunkyfullest Importance therefore, on this day, we announced the official results of the Very Bunkyful Birthday Art Contest! We were absolutely enchanted by the magical works which we have received throughout August! Bunky and the Bunky Princess selected our three Very Bunkyful Winners.

Dear All, please meet our Very Bunkyful and Very Talented Winners: Zaina, Skanda and Dinuka, and learn more about their amazing artworks! Our amazing Winners will receive very bunkyful prizes: tea/coffee mugs designed by Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and me!

The Very Bunkyful Art Contest Results: Children's Category Winners

Congratulations, Zaina!

Above: Zaina's artwork presenting Bunky and the Bunky Princess

Zaina's watercolour painting immediately enchanted Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and me! It is filled with exquisite beauty, subtlety and graceful elegance. An exquisite choice of delicate, pastel colours immediately captivated us and added to the scene a very bunkyful feeling of lightness and joy which remained in our hearts! This artwork offers the feeling of never-ending peace and happy tranquility while, at the same time, it resonates with joy and bliss from within! We can almost hear Bunky playing the guitar! The scene is bright, cheerful and endlessly positive. We love the delicate clouds, the elegant butterflies and the magical, colourful flowers! Bunky and the Bunky Princess look delightful and their personal characteristics are also highlighted in the painting. Bunky is picking a yellow flower which he will offer to the Bunky Princess. While looking at the painting, one can almost feel Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' fluffy fur!

Meet Zaina Alam Piya - our Bunkyful Winner from Bangladesh!

Dear Zaina, please tell us about yourself! How would you describe yourself and your daily life? Is it connected with art (painting/drawing)?

I’ve always enjoyed creating art and doing creative things since I was a kid. My parents always encourage me to do creative things. I sometimes create art almost every day ( that is when I’m not in an art block, haha )! I also play the piano, ukulele and sing sometimes.

Please tell us about your artistic life - how did you develop interest in painting/drawing? Is art important in your life?

I always enjoyed making art and doing anything creative since I was a kid. After teaching myself how to draw portraits this whole journey really boosted my confidence, which is why I'm grateful to my father. I enjoyed creating portraits and I continued to create more art and also try different mediums and art styles. My mother also always showed support to me, no matter what. She often gives me ideas as well when I'm going through an art block, and I'm so thankful to her. Their support and inspiration made art such a big part of my life.

Which techniques (drawing, painting, sketching, etc.) are your favourite ones and why?

I love creating artworks. Drawing, painting, sketching and creating digital art has become a part of my daily routine now. I like to create traditional portraits, landscapes and sometimes digital art. I love using coloured pencils and watercolours, they are my favourite. I also enjoy acrylic painting sometimes.

How did you come up with the idea for your bunkyful artwork for Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' First Birthday Contest? Please tell us about your contest entry!

I think Bunky & The Bunky Princess are so adorable. I love their design so much ! I saw a picture on the website of Bunky & the Bunky Princess and it inspired me a lot. I tried to express happiness & a touch of joy in my artwork . I like using bright colours in my artwork, I tried to do that here. Happy Birthday to Bunky & The Bunky Princess!

Where our Readers can find your artwork?

Here are my social media:

Instagram- @al4m__

Tiktok - @Piya.arts

Facebook page - Zaina's

Please share with us something that you would like our Readers to know!

I just want to say thank you so much for this beautiful opportunity! I'm grateful to the Almighty for everything he has given to me. I believe honest and sincere labor never goes in vain. Thanks to my father and mother for always supporting me. I am grateful to them and all the people who have supported me in my journey .

Dear Zaina, thank YOU so much! Thank you for sharing your amazing art with us - we are very grateful for this opportunity! We wish you all the bunkyfullest on your artistic and personal journey!


Congratulations, Skanda!

Above: Skanda's artwork presenting Bunky and the Bunky Princess

Skanda's imaginative, vibrant artwork captivated us with its deep originality and a very unique presentation of Bunky and the Bunky Princess during one of their favourite activities - playing the guitar and dancing! The movement is almost tangible in Skanda's painting! This artwork is unforgettable thanks to its original style and perspective. We are feeling drawn into the centre of the painting and we love the joy coming from the artwork! The vision of Bunky and the Bunky Princess in movement is very expressive and creative. It is as if we were dancing together while almost hearing the music! The choice of colours further adds to the joy and expressiveness of the scene! What a very bunkyful, imaginative painting!

Meet Skanda - our Bunkyful Winner from India!

Dear Skanda, please tell us about yourself! How would you describe yourself and your daily life? Is it connected with art (painting/drawing)?

A lot of my day to day life revolves around school work, drawing and spending time exploring the city.

Please tell us about your artistic life - how did you develop interest in painting/drawing? Is art important in your life?

My interest in art came to me naturally as a kid. Especially since I love cartoons (and still do) I did all sorts of drawings of cartoons which I saw on television. I still do a good deal of drawing and painting and I would definitely like to continue this creative passion.

Which techniques (drawing, painting, sketching, etc.) are your favourite ones and why?

There is no favourite technique. If a technique is not too overly messy than probably that would be no problem for me trying it out.

How did you come up with the idea for your bunkyful artwork for Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' First Birthday Contest? Please tell us about your contest entry!

When I heard about the contest, I thought that music and dance-like environment would be perfect for Bunky and Bunky Princess. So I did one artwork of it.

Dear Skanda, thank you so much! We wish you many, many bunkyful paintings and drawings in your budding artistic career and we are so grateful for receiving your beautiful work!


The Very Bunkyful Art Contest Results: Adults' Category Winner

Congratulations, Dinuka!

Above: Dinuka's artwork entitled "The Bunky Princess and Bunky Jamming"

Bunky, the Bunky Princess and I unanimously agreed that Dinuka's artwork entitled "The Bunky Princess and Bunky Jamming" should receive the first prize in the Very Bunkyful Art Contest: Adults' Category! It immediately captivated us with its beauty, originality, and a very special idea behind the painting! The painting presents Bunky and the Bunky Princess in an exact way, while the jamming scene is a unique idea which immediately enchanted us! Bunky and the Bunky Princess love music - also in my novel "Bunky and the Walms" - and, on seeing this beautiufl artwork, Bunky decided to start playing the keyboard as soon as possible! The Bunky Princess will be singing as well! Bunky, the Bunky Princess and I especially love the idea behind the drawing and the uniqueness of the style combined with a wonderful choice of colours. This bunkyful artwork immediately made us smile!

Meet Dinuka Mapa - our Bunkyful Winner from Australia!

Dear Dinuka, please tell us about yourself! How would you describe yourself and your daily life? Is it connected with art (painting/drawing)?

I would describe myself as a quiet, sociable, kindness-aspiring, romantically inclined person who loves reading, sketching, meditating and learning philosophy. I have a few years of studying Engineering at Uni, but enjoy most volunteering with a mental health advocacy organisation in Victoria, Australia.

Please tell us about your artistic life - how did you develop interest in painting/drawing? Is art important in your life?

I have always loved drawing. When I was a kid one of my mum's friends asked me to provide the illustrations for a book he published. That was exciting, but not as exciting as the time I won a Star Wars Lego drawing competition. As an adult I still love to draw. I find the whole process of creating art very relaxing and meditative. I enjoy thinking a lot about the subject matter that I choose to draw.

Which techniques (drawing, painting, sketching, etc.) are your favourite ones and why?

With sketching I have spent a bit of time working with alcoholic markers which I feel are great for laying down vibrant colours. Lately I have also wanted to experiment with softer watercolours. I also want to gain more experience with graphite pencils. At the moment working with watercolours is my favourite medium.

How did you come up with the idea for your bunkyful artwork for Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' First Birthday Contest? Please tell us about your contest entry!

I saw in your YouTube videos that Bunky often had a guitar and I felt that he and the Bunky Princess must be music lovers.

Do you have a website that you would like to share with our Readers?

Please share with us something that you would like our Readers to know!

Never underestimate the power of positivity and also being around positive people.

Thanks again so much for running this competition and I am so rapt that you liked my entry.

Dear Dinuka, thank you so much for sharing with us your amazing artwork! We wish you many bunkyful opportunities to further develop your beautiful artistic passion!


Dear Zaina, Dear Skanda, Dear Dinuka, Dear Readers and Dear Friends, thank you so much for making Bunky's and the Bunky Princess' First Birthday so special!

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